Spring Break 2017 - Day 5: Slide Rock State Park

- Day 5 -
Thursday - April 6, 2017
Thursday - April 6, 2017

After waking up and wrapping things in Casa Grande, including a stop at a tire center to have a tire that had separated get replaced, we turned our attention to the north. We had never been to Sedona before, so we opted to take a slight detour from the freeway and drove on up and through Sedona. It was packed with people and since we were already behind schedule, we just kept on driving through until we arrived at Slide Rock State Park further up Oak Creek Canyon.
Once at Slide Rock State Park we jumped out to go dip our feet down in Oak Creek and see all the little waterfalls that give the park its name.
Waterfall at Slide Rock State Park
Waterfall at Slide Rock State Park
The girls
All the kids
Our family and some photo-bomber above
Slide Rock
Slide Rock
Slide Rock
Looking down Oak Creek from Slide Rock
Looking down Oak Creek
The park is also the site of the historic Pendley homestead where apples were the staple crop.
Pendley Homestead
The park made for a nice break from the driving. Since it was getting late in the day and we had a lot more driving to do, it was time to get back on the road.
Back to the car
Our final destination for the night was Lee's Ferry where we were lucky enough to find an available campsite, despite arriving just after it had gotten dark.
Telling stories
Cooking dinner
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